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电话: 0412-3568281
传真: 0412-3568283
姓名: 罗园园
Haicheng Dongsi Section steel CO,.LTD

  Established in 1985, Haicheng Dongsi Section Steel Co.,Ltd. is located in Haicheng city Liaoning province of China. We are specialized in producing high quality section steel and special steel. Our products are widely used in the fields of machinery manufacture, steel structure workshop building, ship building, vehicle and so on. The annual output is about 200-400 thousand tons. There are three producting lines: hot rolling &﹟216;550, &﹟216;750 and one special steel production line, So we can produce various specification of section steels, such as Channel steel, I steel bar, square bar, round bar, steel rail and excellent alloy steel etc. according to customers’ demand. And we are a golden ...

主要产品/业务: 型钢

Haicheng Dongsi Section steel CO,.LTD / 辽宁 / 辽宁省海城市南台镇二道河工业园区 (114206 ) / 电话:0412-3568281

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